Wednesday, 27 April 2011

'We are not tracking anyone! '- Steve Jobs' hot denial!

 All the users of the iPhone 4 read carefully. Where you are right now is known to you only as your Apple gadget with the iOS is not your location monitor. Rejoice! Be happy, your privacy is intact, as Apple CEO Steve Jobs has put an end to all speculation that Apple is using the location-tracking 'bug' in iOS to track its users. Steve Jobs dismissed all allegations, and news reports have quoted him as saying-
"We haven't been tracking anybody," he says. "Never have. Never will."
 However, the iPhone4 "does back up historical location data but doesn't need to collect quite as much and promises to resolve the issue with a software fix".
When questioned on the delayed response,  Jobs said that he and his team were focused on finding the root cause of the issue, before making a public statement.You will agree, that this controversy reminds us of the antennagate fiasco that accompanied the launch of the iPhone 4, where Apple's delayed response raised quite a few eyebrows. The Apple CEO is quoted as saying- "It took us about a week to do an investigation and write a response, which is fairly quick for something this technically complicated."

So, what is the bottom line, the tab feature is there in the Apple iOS, so its present right there in your iPad2 , but, Apple is not using it to keep tabs on you.
 Your privacy is safe. As far as the allegations on Google are concerned, your Android phones keep a tab on you or not, we are still waiting for a word from Google. Yes, you can use your HTC Desire HD quite safely, its not intruding on your privacy as of now.
Lets see  what Google has to say about privacy violations!

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